
We have developed checklists for our undergraduate students and their parents to complete as they progress through the financial aid application season and prepare for the upcoming academic year. We suggest you refer to this regularly to ensure you are meeting all application deadlines. 

Checklist for Entering First Year and Transfer Undergraduate Students for Fall 2024

Click to view this checklist as a PDF

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Important things to do by July 1, 2024

  • Complete setup to designate Authorized Users. Students can set up parents and others now in UVAPay. This one is really important! Without this account for parents and others who may be helping pay the student’s costs, federal law requires that SFS no longer disclose any information about the student account to anyone other than the student.

  • Sign up for Direct Deposit through the student’s SIS account.

Term Charges and Payment

  • Review the Fall 2024 Term Charges, mid-July

  • Pay Fall Semester Balance Due, August 21, 2024

Applying for Financial Aid

Applying for a Federal Parent PLUS Loan

Using Your Financial Aid

If you have already received your official financial aid offer and want to use your Federal Direct Loan(s):

If you have already received your official financial aid offer to use your Institutional or Nursing Loan:

Accepting Federal Work Study Awards

  • Accept or reduce the Federal Work Study amount in SIS after awards are official, June and July

  • Read the email detailing Federal Work Study procedures, July

  • Review the work study postings in Handshake at the Career Center website, and apply for a job, August

Enrolling in an optional Payment Plan (This is optional for every family, but you must enroll for each semester for which you want to use the payment plan; $60 per semester fee)

  • Sign up for a payment plan through your UVAPay account

Additional Checklist Calendar Items for all Students and Parents

  • Establish a monthly budget for your student for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters.

  • If you have a state pre-paid educational savings account, contact the plan administrator early to be sure they have all they need to get their payment to the University of Virginia before the August and January due dates.  UVA will bill the Virginia Pre-paid Education Plan (VPEP) according to the roster they provide us each term.  It is still your responsibility to let them know that you wish to have them make a distribution for each term you want them to pay.

Checklist for Current/Returning Students for Fall 2024

Click to view this checklist as a PDF

  • Authorize our office to discuss your financial information with your parents and others (if you have not already done so in a prior year)

  • Complete setup to designate Authorized Users, July 1st. Students can set up parents and others now in UVAPay. Without this account in place for parents and others who may be helping pay the student’s costs, federal law requires that SFS no longer disclose any information about the student account to anyone other than the student.

Applying for all available forms of need-based financial aid

Accepting and using a Federal Direct Loan

Applying for and using a Federal Parent PLUS Loan

Accepting Federal Work Study Awards

  • Accept or reduce the Federal Work Study amount in SIS after awards are official, June-July

  • Read the email detailing Federal Work Study procedures, July

  • Review the work study postings on Handshake and apply for a job, August

Accepting and using a Federal Institutional Loan

Term Charges and Payment

  • Review the Fall 2024 Term Charges, mid-July

  • Pay Fall Semester Balance Due, August 21, 2024

Enrolling in a Payment Plan (This is optional for every family, but you must enroll for each semester for which you want to use the payment plan; $60 per semester fee)

  • Sign up for a payment plan

Additional Checklist Calendar Items for all Students and Parents

  • Establish a monthly budget for your student for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters.

  • If you have a state pre-paid educational savings account, contact the administrator early to be sure they have all they need to get their payment to the University of Virginia before the August and January due dates.  UVA will bill the Virginia Pre-paid Education Plan (VPEP) according to the roster they provide us each term.  It is still your responsibility to let them know that you wish to have them make a distribution for each term you want them to pay.